Virtual, Event, Togetherness, Adaptability, Authenticity, Celebration.
The six words above are the words that fuel the future in online celebrations and connectivity. As the radical societal changes happen, we have to be able to adapt to meet these changes in order to thrive and grow. The 2020 pandemic ushered those changes in at a great pace so we arrived at the destination, a tad early fueling adaptivity and a greater need for connectivity.
It is Iheanyi’s mission to help create, facilitate and enhance the online spaces, for companies and individuals to take their celebrations virtually. He believes that a pandemic, logistics, geography, the weather are no longer obstacles in front of your planned event. Iheanyi is passionate about the bringing together of people in celebration as he values the team building results it produces.
Iheanyi has spent the last thirty five years as a consummate musical artist, producer, international club DJ and performer. He has been a commissioned and published composer/producer for 30 years and spent 10 years in the TV/Film industry mostly behind the camera.
The diversity in Iheanyi’s mission thus far has placed him in a position to fully take command of the online celebratory team building environment for companies and individuals now and in the coming years.
In summary: The need for working and connecting virtually has never been greater. Iheanyi will help you attain this.